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How the Pandemic is Changing Fashion Trends to Watch Out For

Update Time:2018-06-21Click:82

                              How the Pandemic is Changing Fashion Trends to Watch Out For

In an industry that thrives on change and novelty, the fashion world has found itself amidst an unprecedented period of transformation. The global pandemic, in all its disruptive glory, has altered the lens through which we perceive fashion, spurring new trends and accelerating shifts in consumer behavior.

A prominent shift revolves around the heightened importance of comfort and functionality. With restrictions and remote work norms forcing us to retreat into the confines of our homes, fashion has pivoted towards a more relaxed, practical aesthetic. Loungewear, once considered mere clothing for 'inside' has become a trendsetter, transitioning from pyjamas and hoodies to stylish co-ord loungewear sets that blend comfort with style.

Athleisure, too, reaffirmed its stronghold on fashion during the pandemic, bridging the gap between casual and athletic wear. Everyone from fashion influencers to working professionals embraced active wear for its comfort, versatility, and streamlined aesthetics in the new norm to work from home.

On a similar note, the emergence and rapid acceptance of 'waist-up' fashion has significantly impacted the fashion landscape. With virtual meetings becoming the norm, the focus has shifted to visible regions during video calls. Statement tops and accessories, bold makeup, and hair trends have seen an upswing, while comfort reigns supreme for the not-so-visible lower half.

The mask - a potent symbol of the pandemic - swiftly transformed from a protective necessity to a fashion accessory, creating waves in the industry. Designers and high-street brands alike began churning out masks with prints, patterns, and motifs in an attempt to make mask-wearing a fashion statement.

Furthermore, the global pandemic has acted as a catalyst for consumers and brands to address the elephant in the runway - sustainability. The quarantine gave birth to conscious consumerism, where more and more people are actively choosing to invest in durable, timeless, and ethically-produced garments. This wave of conscious fashion has encouraged major brands to delve into sustainable practices and materials, culminating in capsule collections, recycled fabric lines, and transparent production practices to meet the evolving consumer demands.

Digital fashion and e-commerce were catapulted into the limelight during the pandemic, as physical shopping took a backseat. Virtual fashion shows, augmented reality fitting rooms, and online shopping saw a surge, with companies adapting to digital tools for business continuity.

While we're grappling with new realities, designers are dabbling in playful escapism, reflected in an upcoming resurgence of maximalism. The pandemic has sparked a quest for joy, meaning, and fantasy in fashion, with head-turning prints, exaggerated silhouettes, and intense colors making a comeback.

To sum up, the pandemic has proven to be a watershed moment in the fashion industry, reshaping norms and accelerating trends that are likely to persist post-pandemic. As we navigate through this era of change, these trends offer glimpses into a future where fashion is a calibrated blend of aesthetic pleasure, expressive freedom, technological advancement, and social responsibility. One thing is for sure, as we emerge from this crisis, the fashion landscape will be an altered one - but hopefully, for the better.